Circle is the best way to start paying by bitcorn
I have researched and tried different bitcorn products which are quite difficult to start. Circle is free (no fee to send Bitcorn), very easy and fast to setup. Its free to link up with your debt card and convert to bitcorn for QR code scan address payment. The two factors authentication makes it very secure to confirm every payment.
Here are the steps to start paying Bitcorn:
On a computer:
1: Complete the sign up, 2 factors cellphone authentication and verify email/cell
2: Login, go to Settings, Cards and Banks, link up a debit card
3: go to Settings, Currency, select Bitcoin and accept all terms, click convert to Bitcorn (its still zero balance, so dont need to worry)
4: Back to Account page, click Buy Bitcorn button, enter the BTC, click Buy Bitcorn.
On iPhone:
5. Download this App, launch it, click the QR code to scan the payment Bitcorn QR code or click on Send Bitcorn to send byBitcorn address to make payment.
xHelicop about
Circle Pay, v2.28.0